Wand making for dummies, as the title says. Going through which wood to use, accessories, and everything there possibly is! All questions welcomed.
Firstly, before any of you ask, I posted this in herbalism because wand-making is associated with herbalism in my opinion..
Oh, and you dont have to have a wand! Your index finger works just fine!
Okay, here I go!
1. Choosing the right type of wood.
Choosing the right type of wood is important, because it has a effect on the spells that you cast! For example, if your wand is for love spells only, use a type of wood associated with love! Such as holly. If you just want a all-purpose wand for all types of spells, use a wood with lots of magickal properties, and can pretty much be used for anything. Same goes for any type of spells you want to cast with your wand. Money spells, wisdom spells, life spells, anything. Do your research!
2. The right size of wand.
The reccommended size for a wand is 13cm, I dont know why, maybe it is a good length for energy channelling? However, there is such a thing as ' Pocket Wands' As you can imagine, these are small wands that you can fit in your pocket, are easy to travel, and not as easy to notice if you want to keep your wand hidden.
3. Wand rejection.
Sometimes, your wand may reject you. This is quite common, and dont be sad! When you are picking your wand, thank the spirit of the tree, and then cleanse your wand to avoid wand rejection. But do not worry if this does happen!
4. Choosing the right decorations.
Different decorations can have a huge effect on your wand! Kind of like 'Choosing the right type of wood.' section, if you are choosing a wand for money spells only, decorate it with green, and attack a crystal/gemstone associated with money. (Crystals/Gemstones on your wand are not a essential, so dont worry about that, it just slightly affects the power.) For another example, if you wanted a wand for love, decorate it with pink ribbons, attach a Rose Quartz, and so on.
Ps - If your wand is a all-purpose wand, and you are stuck on a gemstone to attach, use quartz! Its perfect.
Thats the basics of wand making over with, I hope this helped, and that you learned a thing or two. :)
Re: Wand Making for Dummies! By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 2 Jun 14, 2011
Great article. One thing I noticed was missing. In most traditions wooden wands are never meant to be cut from the tree, and instead are to be found by looking along the ground for a fallen branch.
I prefer oak because it is easily identified and very common.
Wand can also be purchased as copper and silver rods that have been faceted with stones of various kinds. These are catalysts (especially the copper ones) and I would recommend if you desire a metal wand that you purchase on at a store and not online because they are never created alike! They are always hand made and one may work for you better than another. I always find that the artist is an important factor. When the artist is a magickal practicioner the wand has been created with the intentions of magickal use and not just monetary gain. So do your homework before purchasing a metal wand.
Actually, the concept of using wood already fallen is modern. Rhe mideaval grimoires always instructed you to cut it right of the tree usually at sunrise with a consecrated athame. I find it better to just cut it because wands made that way are cleaner and have less risk of decay.
Here is a quick note. In mine experience, wands and staves will not decay if thou chargest them properly. This involves "bonding" the wand or staff to thee then pushing thy life energy into it. The wand or staff when this is done right shall retain the strength that it once had whist 'twas living due to the fact that thy life force be now part of it.
It's easier to charge it if it's not already been dead and lying around for a while. If you do it right, it doesn't hurt the tree. Plus, it still retains the trees mana. By the way, don't talk like that, it kind of sounds like your roleplaying.
Go look up the definition on here for roleplaying...roleplaying is claiming to be anything one is not. When using the Middle English, I use it to show importance in things. That is in no way roleplaying.
Re: Wand Making for Dummies! By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 8 Jun 15, 2011
I was not aware of any "modern" verses "ancient" ways. My path is leaning quite a lot to my Cherokee roots, and Native Americans only TAKE from nature when they absolutely need to, otherwise nature has a way of giving you what you need when you are open to it. I don't like the idea of staring at a tree, eyeing one of its branches and lobbing it off. My wands have fallen across my path, and I get that certain urge to pick it up...that it is mine. In my eyes it is a gift from nature! Those are my wands. I strip the bark from it, and tie crystal to it with strips of natural twine or leather. I actually have wands from various types of trees. Each one used for certain purposes.
One branch came across my path, it was no good for a wand! But it was the size of a staff, however bent in a arch. The week before a hawk and a raven were fighting in the sky and as I walked to the store, I came across both a raven and a hawk feather. They were large and gorgeous! So when the staff came to me I tied these feathers to the arch, and placed a dove feather in the center (another find) and hung it over my sliding doors. Its been one of the greatest protections/ward I have ever made. I still add more crystals to it as they call to me.
I agree, White, it is better to come across wands fallen to you, but sometimes wands do not just fall everyday, so this is why I said to take one off a tree.
As long as you thank the Dryad spirit, you should be fine. :)