I've been having many strange dreams lately I think it's because I've started to meditate a lot and open and cleanse my chakras I've been working on my third eye chakra as well as practicing astral projection. Anyway I'd like to share one that was really weird ..
Okay well I was having quite a normal dream where I wasn't completely aware it was a dream then I found myself in this kind of ancient ruin or some kind of old temple I'm not sure what it was I found myself drawn to a door inside and when I went through it I became completely aware that I was in a dream but remained calm and proceeded in the room there was a large rectangle table with some really strange looking huminoidish creatures they were all different and there were strange objects on the table aswell as paper I was asked to come and sit down on an empty chair and from what I remember they proceeded to ask me to join them I don't remember the exact words but I know that they wanted me to join something if asked them what it was I would be joining but they refused to answer and they just kept asking me to join when I kept asking what it was I was joining some of them began to get a little angry I then said at some point after them refusing to tell me anything that I wouldn't join what ever it was they wanted me to join if I didn't even know what it was I was joining as soon as I said that I had this feeling like someone telling me to run away I'm not sure if it was me but I did they all got up and began chasing me I had a feeling that they were going to do me harm so I stopped and imagined a bright while light all around me that would protect me from anything that would hurt me I was surrounded in light and they eventually faded I woke up as soon as this happend .
I never remember the faces of people in my dreams unless they are of people I have seen in person I'll only be able to remember a memory of a memory of what they looked like but I always remember their features like hair colour and such
I don't really have any anxieties or problems and I've been doing a lot of relaxing mediation so I'm not stressed or anything I'm quite calm and as I said I have been havin many strange dreams not just the one . I guess they could just be dreams but I've been trying to astral project every time as I fall asleep and have been making my intention of wanting to have an obe during the daytime for a few weeks so maybe I'm astral projecting in my sleep.
Anxieties and fears can be unconscious, and dreams are generally our unconscious mind trying to communicate with you. Working with your chakras raises the kundalini, anxiety is a common symptom associated with this.
It also releases tensions which are actually caused by unconscious thoughts. In his marvellous book 'The Middle Pillar', Israel Regardie stated that anyone working with magick of a psychological nature, or yoga (providing one realises yoga is also psychological in nature) then they should seek some psychotherapy first.
We all have demons rooted in our childhood, many people are unaware of them consciously, but they manifest in all sorts of ways including nightmares, illness and dis-ease.