need help badly

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need help badly
Post # 1
im a victim of a vicious spell that keeps me awake. I seldom get enough sleep. my health is degrading slowly because of this. any advice or referral to someone who can help me?
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Re: need help badly
Post # 2
Without asking for any further information, I can affirm that you need to go to a doctor. Whether it is the result of a spell (which I doubt) or not, that should be the first thing to do to make sure your health hasn't suffered too much and to take the appropriate steps to fix the problem.
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Re: need help badly
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Try cleansing and banishing spells, with a hex-breaker. Then induce sleep with spells and incense.
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Re: need help badly
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Edman, nothing on your profile. You could be a 13 year old role player,or a 50 year old idiot. Go see a doctor!
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Re: need help badly
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Lol Brysing sometimes I really love how you put things.

First you should rule out logical conclusions. Go to a doctor and have him run some tests, it could be any number of things from diet to disease that could be effecting your sleep.

If it is a spell, first question is how do you know? Did you just conclude this? It is possible no one cast on you, but your fear got the better of you and have unintentionally done it yourself. Either way a cleansing will get rid of the negative energy. There are many methods to choose from, but a sea salt bath might be the easiest for you, it will cleanse but the bath should also relax you. Try drinking tea with lavender, mint or chamomile, these can relax you and help you sleep better.
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Re: need help badly
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
I am with you Neko...I find myself wanting a like button for many of Brysing's posts :)
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Re: need help badly
Post # 7
I understand why some guys can be unconvinced by my post, but try explaining how my housemates gets restless and sleepless during those sudden jolts in my sleep, the sweating and heavy palpitation and gets more aggravated if I keep the culprit in my mind. Yes the culprit is in my former country of origin who is a known practitioner of witchcraft. I am a Christian and I never feel good doing revenge to anyone, even to evil ones, but it seems when evil ones feel they have the upper hand they just keep on doing their thing till they see their victim lying helpless or lifeless.
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Re: need help badly
By: / Novice
Post # 8
ok, since your Christian, see a doctor to rule out anything medically wrong, and go to your priest/minister and ask for a blessing/cleansing of yourself and your home.
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Re: need help badly
Post # 9
Are you still suffering? Because this was posted last year.
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