
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Familiars?
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Post # 1
Now, I know familiars are beings that help one with spells and preparations, but how does one go about obtaining one? Especially if it is a cat, because we all know those aren't the easiest to reason with because they're independent creatures.
Also, there's no point in having to train a familiar is there? Wouldn't that break the spiritual bond between you and your familiar? Or else it'd just be a pet who'd happened to be trained... I'm just not sure how this all works out. I feel a tight bond between me and my cat, but how can I be sure she's the one?
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Re: Familiars?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
If you feel a strong bond with your cat, then he/she could be your familiar if you can connect on a psychic level. I think that this link here might be able to help you.

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Re: Familiars?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Although normally, familiars are usually spirits/spiritual creatures that assist the witch/wiccan.
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Re: Familiars?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I also believe that this previous forum post should explain things nicely. :)

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Re: Familiars?
Post # 5
You could form a bond with a spirit and ask it to help you with your magic. You could also create a thought form to assist you.
As for cats, they're pets, not familiars.
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Re: Familiars?
Post # 6
Ah, interesting. I love these answers.
Thank you both!
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Re: Familiars?
By: / Novice
Post # 7
No problem Miss_Peachie. We're all happy to help you out. If you ever need to know anything else, ask lark or brysing. They are both very knowledgeable practitioners. If you can't get a hold of them, then talk to me. If it's within my knowledge, then I'll try to help you with it. If it isn't within my knowledge, then I would say message lark or brysing, and wait for a response. Blessed be. :)
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