Psychic ability diminish

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Psychic ability diminish
Post # 1
I hope this post is not too inappropriate, but if it is, please forgive me. I have been searching for answers to this question, and so far, no luck. Every time I, well, make love (best phrase I could come up with without mentioning that word considering that it might be too inappropriate) to somebody, my ability to read people and see into the future goes away for several weeks, and I don't know why.
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Re: Psychic ability diminish
Post # 2
Its simple really, the act in it self causes a lot of energy to go crazy in both parties and that temporary disrupts any power or ability participants may have, nothing can or should be done about it as its just how our bodies and energy reacts by nature.
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Re: Psychic ability diminish
Post # 3
Okay thank you.
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