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Post # 1
So, I would like to know if religions other than those that aren't Christian take communion and what it represents for them. Anybody have any info?
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Re: Communion
Post # 2
Yes, many Thelemites who are also members of the EGC will take communion in the gnostic mass.

Amongst other things which occur in the ritual. The actual consumption of the communion means the same thing to them as a christian the ingestion of a physical thing infused with energy of the divine....just in this case not God/Jesus.

There is also the Mass of the phoenix which a solitary Thelemite (or anyone) can perform. Again the above applies.
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Re: Communion
Post # 3
Thank you. I've also read a bit about Wiccan communion and now I feel like communion is just a common thing in religion. A lot of religions seem to have it.
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