A meditation question

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A meditation question
Post # 1
I have noticed that when I meditate, I begin to rock back and forth- only a few inches recently, but the first time I did it was more dramatic, and I wasn't even attempting to meditate (I was listening to some pagan music). Is this just part of going into a meditative trance, or something else, or am I just somehow managing to do it wrong?
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Re: A meditation question
Post # 2
There are people who use swaying to go into a trance, however they usually try and do this themselves, it doesnt occur automatically. Perhaps your body was just unconsciously swaying to the rhythm of the music.

When I meditate I am usually still both in body and mind, but my meditation is about focusing on something, not trancework.
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Re: A meditation question
Post # 3
I focus on my breathing, and don't usually listen to music when meditating.
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Re: A meditation question
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
It can happen, although it depends on a number of factors. Unconsciously swaying to music is one of the possibilities. It could also be that you have relaxed your body to the extent that you are moving slightly in response to your heartbeat, or your breathing. I have felt my body start to 'sway' very slightly in certain positions while in deep meditation, but it isn't necessarily the norm for me. I'm sure that other possibilities may exist that haven't been mentioned.
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Re: A meditation question
Post # 5
I don't really think it's music, because I still start swaying even if there isn't any.
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Re: A meditation question
By: / Novice
Post # 6
are you moving in time to your heartbeat? I know ive heard of that happening.

If it is not affecting you in a negative way, then i think youre ok? yes?

Good luck!

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Re: A meditation question
Post # 7
It's not negative, I was simply curious about it. ;)
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