Still a wiccan?

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Still a wiccan?
Post # 1
I believe in the three folds rule, witchcraft and the "just do no harm" rules but i cant stop being monotheistic no matter how hard i was trying! I can only believe in a mother goddess who IS her creations. Am i a wiccan? If not, please say what i am

Re: Still a wiccan?
Post # 2
What is your religion?

Re: Still a wiccan?
Post # 3
That is what i would like to find out

Re: Still a wiccan?
Post # 4

Technically, Wicca is a duotheistic religion. However, it's ok to follow philosophies from a religion even if you don't follow the religion itself. In the same way you don't have to be Christian to think that "thou shall not not kill" is a good philosophy, you can still agree with the Wiccan Rede (rede does afterall simply mean advice). You certianly don't need to be Wiccan to practice witchcraft.

Re: Still a wiccan?
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I'm sure that you're not such a horrible person that you should seek somebody else to tell you who and what you are. Just be yourself, if Wicca is a comfortable label for you right now, then join right in. If it's not, then it's okay to just be searching or spiritual. Faith isn't like the SATs where you fill in enough right bubbles to pass or fail, for crying out loud!

That said, in discussion in some other forums and blogs, I've heard it pointed out that a lot of modern practitioners have difficulty reviving a polytheistic mentality. They'll say they honor a whole pantheon, but still seek a "patron deity"; which are also known as Ishta Devata and, according to Karen Armstrong's "A History of God" the title Elohim means something similar:

It's a common problem, but only if people make it a problem... You could be a henotheist, pantheist, or even a matriarchal monotheist. If you want to call yourself one of those, or keep calling yourself Wiccan, Dianic Wiccan, or some other branch--then I certainly won't stop you. I'm not your high priestess.

Re: Still a wiccan?
Post # 6
Thank you

Re: Still a wiccan?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7

Wicca is specifically a polytheist religion and is based on ancient fertility cults. Thus it is essential to Wiccan belief and practice that one honor the duality of the Divine, that is both God and Goddess. In my personal opinion one cannot worship only the Goddess and still consider oneself Wiccan.

That being said, you could simply refer to yourself as a Goddess Worshiper, a witch, or simply tell people that you are following your own personal and unique beliefs. But calling yourself Wiccan is probably incorrect in your situation given your lack of connection to the Horned God.

Re: Still a wiccan?
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Goddess-worshipper, witch, or unique personal beliefs sound like good options.

However, couldn't someone be culturally Wiccan without anything supernatural going on? Does everybody have to be supernaturally thwapped with a connection all the time in order to be Wiccan? I ask because I met someone who'd lived as a Wiccan for decades and identified as a Wiccan cowan (defining cowan as not a practitioner of magic, only sticking with Wicca for environmentalist and feminist philosophies, but being agnostic towards the Wiccan divinities as personalities rather than metaphors or functions.)

Re: Still a wiccan?
Post # 9
Wicca is an amazing religion. Since wicca is made up of a whole bunch of religions, there is no wrong religion and no right way in wicca. Many people are wiccan but follow the Greek/roman/Celtic/Egyptian/and Norse patrons. Many practice on a full moon, many do magic, many people follow certain rules, and that's the good thing about wicca. Just because you feel closer to the goddess than the god does NOT make you any less than a wiccan, there are many Wiccan's out there who actually follow the goddess more this is called ( Dianic) so no do not worry. You are a wiccan as long as you follow and do the practices!!!!

Hope this helped.

Re: Still a wiccan?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10

Excuse me, but I think you are mistaking Wicca for Paganism. While Paganism is made up of many religions, Wicca is a specific religion with very specific beliefs and practices. It is certainly not doing "whatever you want" and calling it something that it isn't. If the religion didn't have those specific beliefs and practices then it wouldn't be a religion at all and anyone could claim anything they did was Wicca, even if it included things like animal sacrifice or molesting children. One either has limits or it has none. In the case of Wicca those limits, beliefs and practices do exist.

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