looking for answers

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looking for answers
Post # 1
Alright, I've been looking for answers for years and this is the only place I can find that has answered some of my unanswered questions from when I was younger. You see, I have things that I could do from the time I was three, and doing things that 'shouldn't be possible.' My family is followed by spirits of some sort, and, though most of them deny it, have abilities of some sort. I am able to heal things by concentrating, control people and their emotions when I get really angry, I am precognative, I know when something big, or bad, is going to happen soon, I can hear my name being called when no one is around me to call it, electronics seem to go wonk on occasion, waking up at certain times no matter when I fall asleep, etc...
Can anyone help me?
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Re: looking for answers
Post # 2
I also can tell you about a person I only just met, about their personality, sometimes their feelings. I also can form auric shields.
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Re: looking for answers
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Not everybody's view of how the world works, especially including magic, believes in Otherworlds...but, I do, so it could be that you're partway in this world and partway in an Otherworld. Play both sides against the middle, and you'd be fine.

Or, it could be that you learned something in a past life, or between incarnations, that you just...already know, like by second nature. But you don't remember learning it because your consciousness was so differently-shaped back then, but what you learned to do still remains.
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Re: looking for answers
Post # 4
I believe in other worlds, but what do you mean by being in the middle of the two?
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Re: looking for answers
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Well, for most people there are two worlds. The mundane, and...the other one, that's not.

Usually, for many people, these are very very very separate. As in, they don't have any paranormal experiences at all until the moment of death. And of course, after the moment of death, they're dead. Probably in the otherworld.

But sometimes, some worlds, for some people, it's not so clean-cut. There's this mundane world, but also this sort of layer over the mundane world where the shadows and ghosts and energies and such can be seen, and there's even another world beyond that (or maybe the same world, just better tuned-in to) where the entire mundane world disappears. It's that latter world that can grant numinous dreams, and astral projection.

So, some people are just naturally in-between instead of either/or in one or the other.
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Re: looking for answers
Post # 6
That makes sense... and kind of explains other things I've been believing and thinking about to, thank you for your help.
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Re: looking for answers
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Any time! Feel free to drop me a message too if you have any odd experiences or questions.
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Re: looking for answers
Post # 8
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