Help with a dream

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Help with a dream
Post # 1
I had a dream in which 2 people from my past were mixed as one the first was a Sgt from 30 years in my past while in the RAF also he was a friend. The second was a friend from about 5 years ago I meet him while doing Archaeology with a local group Kettering in the UK. I was told to let ever one know what we found. It was know and not see. A friend Or mine who I told about the dream asked me if I was a shadow traveller passing in and out of peoples lives? Can anyone help with this dream and the idea of a shadow traveller?
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Re: Help with a dream
Post # 2
Never heard of a shadow traveler used in that context, but new word are formed every day. Maybe your reminiscing in your subconscious dreams and comparing who you were then with who you have become. Dreams are often the interpretation of the person having them.
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