does any one know this?

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does any one know this?
Post # 1

The symbol inside? My friend wants to know, its from a manga comic shes been reading sadly I dont know japanese.... I do know the star is star of david she calles it hexagram but still
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Re: does any one know this?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Comic-strip Artists make up all sorts of symbols. The most obvious is the S on the chest of Superman. Many symbols are made up from Masonic symbols; such as the all-seeing-eye, the square and compasses, etc. If they are in a comic they are usually meaningless. There is a very clear symbol of a pyramid with the all-seeing-eye on the face of a US banknote!
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Re: does any one know this?
Post # 3
Thank you so much Brysing!
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