Hi, everyone. I don't know if I put this in the right place, but my friend needs help with having a baby. She is desperate, but no matter how hard she's tried, she can't seem to become pregnant. She has been once, with twins, but then she had a miscarriage with both of them. Since I practice magick, I told her I would help her, but I also told her I couldn't guarantee anything... that is why I am here now. I have read every forum and article on this site, mundane ways for a woman to become pregnant, and I have tried making my own spells and rituals, but I don't think any of them have worked. She does have a boyfriend, but they are too nervous to try anything yet. I need new ideas and I don't have access to any tools, so please don't suggests things like incense and candles. I also do not follow any gods or goddesses (atheist), so I don't think those would be much help, either. My friend REALLY wants twins, a boy and a girl. Any help will be MUCH appreciated and taken into consideration.
Also, nothing related to summoning things or anything, please. Thank you!
No witch has ever had the techniques and the modern equipment used by a professional Gynaecologist. If they cannot help your friend, then, I'm afraid nobody can. Spells, yes; but with professional help.
Not a spell, an exercise. These yogic poses and breathing exersies help balance and heal the female reproductive system to.http://www.artofliving.org/us-en/yoga/health-and-wellness/boost-fertility-with-yoga
There is a mirade of things she can try, but magic will not outright fix a medical issue that is causing infertility problems. Healthy diet, proper breathing, drinking plenty of water, avoiding stress etc can all help. Have her see a doctor for it, and try to put it out of mind. Focusing on how she is having difficulty will only make it more difficult. Our bodies and especially reproductive systems, respond greatly to stress. Best of luck to you both :)
Thank you for all of your responses, you guys! My friend is already on a healthy diet and I have revised some of my spells a little bit to help the situation. I hope we can get some results this time! :)
She should speak with a doctor, run a few tests and determine if its possible. There are different herbs, crystals, diets, spells, and yes even positions that can help but its not a guarantee, it just helps. I have one friend, doctors said she would never have kids because of how rarely she ovulated, her son is turning 1 in December. Another friends 'baby mama' was two weeks away from giving birth and the child died. Doctors ran tests, even an autopsy, couldn't figure out what happened. A few years later he got the same girl pregnant [on and off couple, long story] the two of them had to get tests run on them every two weeks throughout the pregnancy, and once Jackson was born he had a couple tests run on him the first year. Point is, while doctors can't predict everything, they can help a lot better than ancient practices. Course, after your friend gets the results from the doctor it wouldnt hurt giving her a charm or some herbal tea to help with conception.
I didn't say the yoga thing would heal her, I said it would help health wise which in this case is surpasses any magic spell since it's a medical thing