dream or past life

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dream or past life
Post # 1
I keep have the same dream about this time every year. I will have it for about 1 to 2 month. It been going on for about 5 years now. So could it be a past life.
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Re: dream or past life
Post # 2

Well there are pently of logical explanations, it could be your subconsious trying to tell you something, or it could be just a dream, but I wouldn't know for sure, because your post was uninformative.

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Re: dream or past life
Post # 3
From what I've learned, past lives are mostly recalled through some state of being under a trance like hypnosis. However, the dream may give off details of your past life yes. I would advise you to at least write the dream down because your dream may represent other things as well. For instance, your dream could possibly show you a certain event or feeling you continue to go through or allow to happen to you around the same time you have the dream. Your dream could be your subconscious telling you to fix, move on, let go, or to begin something that you are not confronting maybe. On the other hand, in my personal belief this dream could also show a bit of details of the near future events. So the best you can do is to write it down and look over it, try to compare certain details of the dream to actual situations you have or are going through to find a meaning to this particular dream reoccurring.
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