Hate and magic

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Hate and magic
Post # 1
My spells will not work unless they are to hurt someone or hate related why could this be ?

Re: Hate and magic
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Magic follows intention, which can be clearer when it's aligned with your emotions (Although not always, because with some people emotions can actually get in the way of casting a spell, if--this is just my belief--perhaps because their emotions are generated by an illusionary bias for which the person is just a focus but they do not have a true, real, clear idea of the targeted other person.)

Perhaps your hatred is stronger than your neutrality or ecstasy/joy in life.

Or perhaps your hatred has seeped into some subconscious confirmation bias so if anything bad happens to somebody you don't think, you automatically think, "Oh, I did that!"

It can be for all sorts of reasons. If it's for the second reason, though, it would be a good idea to try to find what about life can make you really happy, so you can at least have some balance.

Re: Hate and magic
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Calm down. Dont be angry like Azula. Meditate if needed. Calm your mind and start over again.

Re: Hate and magic
Post # 4
I do everything right and what is required of the spell but when I do spells to hurt someone well being it has an almost % 100 effect and could it be my hate being stronger than my other emotions

Re: Hate and magic
Post # 5
and I was told Karma is just a means of others controlling people and is a concept for the weak

Re: Hate and magic
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Well, as I always say... it's not the spell, it's the caster.

Karma is a complex idea that is simplified and used by some people to justify some holier-than-thou condemnation, or even sustaining harmful societal structures such as a caste system (if somebody was born into poverty, then they should stay there because "that's their karma for doing something bad in a past life") and you don't get good karma for helping them, you have your karma working through you to do that thing. There is no bad or good karma. Karma transcends the egoism that puts such labels to that. It's closer, I think, to the concept of "orlog and wyrd" in Norse paganism.

Re: Hate and magic
Post # 7
when I did a spell that I used to brake up a couple (and worked) all I got after was one of the best days of my life when every thing went right, why would that be if karma was supposed to punish me ?

Re: Hate and magic
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Did you even read my post? Karma doesn't work that way, that's why!

Re: Hate and magic
Post # 9
I get what you mean about karma but I need to know why is it hate is the only thing that makes my spells work and why I am being rewarded for hurting others

Re: Hate and magic
By: / Novice
Post # 10
Because the effectiveness of magic, just like any power, whether that be electricity or political clout, does not conform to our value judgments.

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