Charm Bags

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Charm Bags
Post # 1
What do you guys think about charm bags? And im not talking that Supernatural "Ruby's hex bags" crap. I'm sure I'll get all kinds of positive and negative feedback, but I still want to hear some thoughts. I just made one today for protection (long story). And I'm positive it will work and it in fact makes me feel a lot better (another long story). I would like to hear tips, suggestions, thoughts, stories, and experiences from others though who know about charm bags or make use of them.
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Re: Charm Bags
Post # 2
I really enjoy making charm bags. I do believe if you put faith and belief into something, whether it be an item, a certain spell/ritual, or entity it will prosper. When I make charms I would sometimes place a little pendant or jewelry piece on or in the charm bag or I'll drop one drop of an oil that corresponds with my desire for the bag. I've made a charm for love, healing, and money, they all worked and I enjoy making them as well.
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Re: Charm Bags
Post # 3
Another thing, quick question--what would happen if you take apart/empty/take something out of a charm bag? Can you do that? What are the conditions of that?
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Re: Charm Bags
Post # 4
I believe it will just make the charm bag an empty bag, nothing bad will happen to you the charm is just now unusable. For me, I feel the charm will hold its energy strong if it is recharged after some time if it is not then, for me, it will either take some time for me to get the energy active again or it will just be a little bag of herbs, gems and oil. So, if your charm bag falls over and spills out or just breaks its ok just gather a new set of supplies and re-do it. If the bag is still in good shape and you want to reuse it then cleanse it first before you do so, it will help balance the energy put into it so you can have a fresh start at it again. I do hope this helped and wasn't confusing.
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Re: Charm Bags
Post # 5
No, it wasn't confusing at all. Thank you so much, it did help.
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Re: Charm Bags
Post # 6
Does anyone have any stories as to their experiences with charm bags? I know that I for one have one (sort if). I made my first charm bag and it has helped cast away negative feelings and the like. It's made me feel so much better when I've lately had a lot if fear and anxiety and the charm bag combined with a sage cleansing I did and putting up crystals for purification and protection has made it easier for me to be by myself or in the dark. I may be able to sleep with the lights off very soon. Anyone else have cool stories or just tips in general?
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