A green colored energy

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A green colored energy
Post # 1
Tonight I was sitting in my recliner talking to my daughter and her best friend about my 20 years of a very bad marriage. As I was telling them about my husband and his abuse, my daughters best friend saw a green energy standing next to me, and it was feeding on all my pain and negativity regarding my life with my husband. When she noticed it she told me what it was doing, and at that moment I stopped talking, and it went away. Does anyone know what this was? Do I need a cleansing? My husband and I have been separated for 5 years now, but he will not let go of me even though I have gone to a lawyer for a divorce. I just want to live in harmony. Any advice/suggestions are appreciated. Thank you.
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Re: A green colored energy
Post # 2
It sounded like a manifestation of your emotions over the thought of your ex-husband. did it look like him?
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Re: A green colored energy
Post # 3
I agree with Elfeana that it sounds like some sort of manifestation. I would normally think that green is a positive color, but it also has negative connotations. Maybe this particular green was poisonous, seeing as it was just a form of negative energy that just feeds off of whatever negative emotions or energy you put out, causing you to put out more. A cleansing sounds like a good idea. Meditation, journaling, purification, and maybe even (depending on how bad your pain is) therapy would be a good idea as well. Also, I think you need to find some way to talk to your ex to see if you guys can finally get the divorce finalized. I know you said he won't let you go, but you could at least try talking some sense into him. Otherwise, just try to live your life without him and find yourself a little piece of happiness.
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Re: A green colored energy
Post # 4
Thank you for your response, and no, it was more like a thick aura like thing.
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Re: A green colored energy
Post # 5
Thank you for the response. I will most def try to change and purify my being.
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