Hello, i've been searching for many months now, and finally found something interessting id like to start learning more about and probobly start practising too. I'm not sure of what kind of path of the norse heathenry, asatru, im going to walk.
i'm interessted to start communiating with the God/esses and then ill find the right path for myself there.
So my question is, how do i start talking to one of the norse Gods? Let's say Odin. Is it the same way as another spirit? Do i need to have a sigil that represents him? (I don't know if sigils are used for the norse gods)
Do i need to recite his name over and over again?
How would i start talking to a norse God/ess if I was a beginner?
You can set up an altar with representations of the gods and honor them there, and just keep trusting that they hear you.
Or, they're the ones that talk to you.
That's been my experience. I wanted to devote myself to Freya, for example, but never got any feelings of any presence or signs or anything from Her--nothing, nothing, nothing. Then I got "thwapped" by Loki and was like, "Uh oh no trickster I do not want--" but that was that, and it's not been as bad as I anticipated.
So, I guess... when the time is right, when you're ready, when they're ready... it shall happen. : )
Well,first you must pray to Odin,then you can bring Him offerings.Next step is that when you can channeling ,invoke,evoke Him.Some gods or goddesses don't answer very quick but they send you a lot of sign,next you can make Him an altar where you honor Him.*You can meditate with your deity,work with Him in your magick work.
Re: How do i start off? By: Personified / Knowledgeable
Post # 6 Oct 04, 2014
Swel: First things first, you should look into some of the branches of Heathenry to determine if Asatru is what you want to practice or if something else fits your interest. You don't have to assign yourself to a singular branch, like Asatru. You could simply define yourself as a Heathen. It depends on your belief system and what you're wanting out of it. Asatru is the better known side of Heathenry but there's much more out there.
If you're interested in one of the deities in particular, such as Odin, you should begin by setting aside some time to "get to know" him. Read through the literature, the sagas and the eddas, so that you have an understanding of the role he's played. In Heathenry, we tend to view the Gods as another type of wight, which means spirit, so yes- he's a spirit and you can do a lot of the same things you'd do for spirit work. But don't expect to be able to just call him and have him appear.
After you get a background of information about him, you should attempt to reach out. You can make an altar, as suggested. If you do so, here's a link for information you'll find useful: