Opening Chakras? help!

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Opening Chakras? help!
Post # 1

Root: under-active (-62%)
Sacral: open (50%)
Navel: open (31%)
Heart: open (19%)
Throat: open (50%)
Third Eye: under-active (-19%)
Crown: open (12%)
So i took a 56 question quiz on this site i found and fro what i read on this site, it seems to be pretty resourcful...but what concerns me is; how can i open my root and third eye chakra and should i do it a certain way? please help.
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Re: Opening Chakras? help!
Post # 2
People have different ways of opening there chakras, often times what works for one person will not work for another. There are a number of things one could work on. Some people like to use binarial beats on you tube. I did spell the word wrong, but if you put it in youtube that way it will correct the spelling. Some people also use a silver coin or a precious stone on there third eye to aid in opening it. Best of luck.
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Re: Opening Chakras? help!
Post # 3
Chakra meditation will help.. here is a link to a site I found useful
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