Animals and Intelligence

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Animals and Intelligence
Post # 1
What makes humans s different from animal?
Not that much, yet we continue to refuse that animals are able to be sentient. This discussion is a rather heated debate so all is welcome to talk.
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Re: Animals and Intelligence
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: Animals and Intelligence
Post # 3
Well, the thing is humans think of themselves as superior, Gods even, we decide who gets to live and die, who is a pet and who is our food source. Quite primitive thinking I'd say.
One very important thing humans forget is that we are a part of animal kingdom and we should respect others in this family.
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Re: Animals and Intelligence
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

This isn't really a magick topic.

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Re: Animals and Intelligence
Post # 5
We are technically animals but what distinguishes us most is our success. We are able to adapt faster than most species and unlike most we've had a serious impact on our environment with the relatively short time humans have existed.
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Re: Animals and Intelligence
Post # 6
There's not much left to be said about this. Though, someone posted commenting that this topic wasn't really magick related. I would like to ask--does it matter if it's about magick? This is kind of about philosophy and definitely about nature and can be a great topic for discussion. Though it was a good idea to move this to miscellaneous topics.
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Re: Animals and Intelligence
Post # 7
Well people all sorts of religions and myths originate from a source, Some religion have animal like gods or beastmen. Even if this doesn't have a relevance per say magic it has relevance to nature and humans. People in the long run have forgotten that they are animals in nature and pride themselves as superior, which isn't the case. We follow the primitive code that nature gave us, yet we do not want to admit it. Simply it is to say that we have forgotten our original roots or tried to mask ourselves in a delusion that we are a greater creature than all else. And that nothing is equal to us. People debate animal are not sentient, but many have seen that as false. Animals like us are able to live in a complex society were they have leaders, soldiers, and slaves. Human people still have those kinds of society where there are hierarchical regimes. Even when you compare an ant to a person, these "Simple" minded insects live in a way very similar to our own, so what's not to say animals have a language that we cannot comprehend?
Like this monkey not speak , hear, or see, most simply refuse to see nature's collaborated work and refuse to see other beings of this world as sentient.
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