The first cord magick?

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The first cord magick?
Post # 1
By the Greco-Roman era, many of her(Isis) priests and priestesses had a reputation for wisdom and healing, and were said to have other special powers, including dream interpretation and the ability to control the weather, which they did by *braiding or not combing their hair.* [citation needed] The latter was believed because the Egyptians considered knots to have magical powers.


I thought this was really cool. I was reading Isis's Wikipedia page and they started talking about "knot magick" in her priesthood. Could this be part of the origins of cord magick? Who knows? It's really cool to read about this though and then realize people still the and untie knots as a part of magick today. Any thoughts on this?
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Re: The first cord magick?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I would take this with a large grain of salt. There is a great deal of bad information on Wikipedia that is based, not on research, but on someone's personal beliefs. Unless I found additional information to support this claim I wouldn't take the claims too seriously. That's why Wikipedia is saying "citation needed", because the claim isn't backed up by any other evidence.

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Re: The first cord magick?
Post # 3
I just thought that it was cool, though. I mean, there's a lot of cord magick practiced today and then there's a reference to it being practes centuries ago. I found that really cool. Wikipedia is getting better at their info pages, though, which is why they have a lot of citation pop ups and notifications when something needs to be cited.
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