Hello,i will explain everything. My girlfriend has a witch neighbour,and she has been doing bad things to her,she bought a pendulum and asked questions to it,they were all true,she also asked if it was possible for me to help her with magic,it said yes. Please,is there anything i can do to protect her,spell,magic,ant sort of protection... she told me her neighbour is jelous of her because her parents bought a house she wanted. The witch woman is 60 some years old. There must be something i can do with your help...
I don't know too much in magic, but the neighbor is obviously negative. Maybe, if your girlfriend protects herself by imagining that she is being surrounded by a white light, like a blanket, it will help to ward off bad energy and stuff like that. Have her carry around a charged crystal (leaving the crystal out in the moon light) This is all I can say for now. Maybe try out some protection spells
Have your girlfriend cleanse herself and her house, smudging would be very efficient. If you're like me and don't have that kind of stuff at your disposal, you can have a substitute like bell chimes, holy water (I make my own), salt, etc. I've heard of special war water that is an agressive cleansing water, but requires some tending. Just put rusty nails inside a jar of water, and use it in a banishing spell. I think the nails grow mold after that, so they aren't much use and must be thrown away. I hope I was able to help.
You could also bind the person's behavior, or send the energy back to the sender. To do this (bind I mean) get a black and white cord and tie knots in them. Try the knot nine binding. It will bind the person's behavior, not the person. Also you could put salt around the house, and lay a broom across the door. There's also one old trick, just throw a clump of dirt/salt on a full moon over your shoulder and wish for it to stop!
Re: I need help,its urgent By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 5 Oct 06, 2014
A pendulum doesn't know all. It's what controls the pendulum that makes it accurate or not. So given that, I cannot take a pendulum's opinion to heart. It could be nothing more than what your girlfriend thought, imposed on the swing. If you noticed some spirit manifestation at the time (sounds, movement, etc) then it could very well have been a mischievous jerk.
If the woman is 60 years old and has been practicing magick since she was a little girl you will have absolutely no chance, not even knowing the first thing about magick.
Fix it with kindness. I know that's an odd and crazy idea! But seriously, go with your girlfriend and bring her potted flowers and candy or something similar. Apologize for any upset she may have experienced. Offer that if she needs any help around her home or even something simple like being out of sugar, she is welcome to ask. Witches are people too. And we women love special attention. Our elders should be respected, even the angry magic ones. And seniors feel safer knowing they have help nearby. I doubt this woman wants enemies. Show her that you aren't her enemy.
I Don't think any kind of Kindness will Fix anything. my Girlfriend's Guide is her Uncle, which is Dead, Poisoned by her Neightbour.(most Likely, her Uncle is answering in the Pendulum.So he knows who killed who) Her neighbour Killed her uncle and her Grandmother.
I Don't Think anything Beside magic Can help in this Situation. I Cast Protection spells on her, But it's Quite difficult because she's like 300km away from me,I've been doing everything i can to keep her safe.she has a Friend, an old woman who's been cleansing her and her house,and she told her she would become like her someday, she had a pendulum either
Fix it in the most human possible ways, yes it's hard but we shouldn't turn to magic for everything.
Magic is an earned gift, and must be used correctly. Please try your best, or just tell her to place pentagrams all around the house, and one in every room. I'm sorry but it may not be fixed. You could always move!
A beautiful post by whiteraven3...sorry if I got the name wrong...if possible its always more benefical to make friends with those around you. Especially an elder witch! She may have lots to share once she sees you in a positive light. Now its true that some people are just plain mean spirited. For those its best to be pleasant when you have to be around them and keep your bubble of light strong...I used to picture an egg shape surrounding me that allowed only positive in and repelled the negative sent my way. ALong with the old "I'm rubber your glue...." chant. The older witch who was trying to curse me gained almost 50 lbs(she is under 5 feet tall too!) and developed heart disease. I did not wish her ill....she did it to herself. keeping your aura strong helps protect you.