New Here.

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New Here.
Post # 1
Hello fellow friends, I am new to this, I would say that I im like a baby in the world of magic. I don't know where to start, or what to do. Can someone please help me. I don't know what the next step is at this point.
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Re: New Here.
Post # 2

There are plenty of forums in the main forum page, we have excessivly talk about the beginning and were to start, but, I will explain it again, the basics; Meditation, Centering and Grounding, Moon Phases, Colors, Tools,..etc.

Learning the basic is the first step and should be worked on until mastered, please know that this will not be a one day process this will take time and dedication. Do not expect to master all the basics in one day.

You can find the "Basics" in some books, in the Articles, and in the Forums. Please check, if you have questions you can ask.

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Re: New Here.
Post # 3
You are highly welcome here, Zeusuniverse has said it all. Visit the forum articles for beginners guide.
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