Feeling, Isis, etc

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Feeling, Isis, etc
Post # 1
Now, if you've read earlier posts and threads if mine, you will know that for the past few days now I've been feeling really drawn to Isis. I had a a lot of questions and one of the ways I seeked out answers was through a pendulum. I used it tonight and last night. Here are last nights questions and answers:
1) am I to be working with Isis? Very clear yes.
2) is Isis to be my patron? Very clear yes.
3) is the Goddess to appear to me in the form of Isis? Mostly clear yes.
4) shall Isis make herself known to me soon? Very clear yes.
5) will the Goddess Isis appear to me this year? Very clear yes.
6) am I to invoke Isis now at my altar and rituals? Mostly clear yes.
7) should I study Isis? Very clear yes.
8) is Isis calling me to her? Mostly clear yes.
9) shall I find out he reason I am being drawn to Isis and she is calling me soon? Unclear.
10) is Isis going to offer me protection? Unclear.
11) is Isis going to offer me knowledge? Very clear yes.
12) is Isis here with me right now? Yes.
13) tonight is the full moon. Should I say invocations and prayers to Isis? Very clear yes.
14) should I do artwork dedicated to Isis and Isis themed? Yes.

Tonight's questions and answers:
1) am I to be working with Isis? Yes.
2) is Isis to be my patron? Yes.
3) is Isis here with me right now? Unsure.
4) is Isis to offer me knowledge? Yes.
5) is Isis going to guide me? Unsure.
6) is the Goddess to appear to me in the form of Isis? Yes.
7) is Isis calling me to her? Unsure.
8) should I study and do research on Isis? Yes.
9) shall I recieve symbols of the goddess Isis soon? Yes.
10) should I try to contact Isis? Yes.
11) should I make regular communications with the goddess Isis? Yes.
12) was lighting a tall, red candle in Isis' honor a good choice? Yes.

Now, for the questions about study and research, the answers were pretty clear both times. And when I say "symbols of Isis" I mean statues or necklaces or something of that sort that represent Isis. When I've mentioned things related to this before, I was told that it would be a good idea to set up an altar to Isis (so I put an egg candle I made on the altar and dedicated a red taper candle to her), research her (which I've been doing and will continue to do), offer her things she may like (so far all I've to offer is time and the desire to learn), ask her to teach me, meditate, listen, and wait for her answer. With all that's been said, does anyone make anything out of this? The way my pendulum worked, the feelin of being drawn, all that... Anyone have any thoughts on it or at least stories and experiences of their own with this sort of thing?
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Re: Feeling, Isis, etc
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I don't work with Isis so I can't help you there I'm afraid though I will say you asked two questions [ shall I find out he reason I am being drawn to Isis and she is calling me soon?] which would explain why you got an unclear answer. If you wish to ask again, break it up.

Word to the wise however, don't bug her too much. Meaning, prayers and offerings is one thing, nightly pendulum Q and A and daily spells calling on her help is another. Find a nice middle ground like a daily offering and meditation/prayer, and a pendulum session once a month. Although Isis is a rather kind deity, she does have her negative qualities and any being can get angry.
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Re: Feeling, Isis, etc
Post # 3
Okay thank you. I just did the pendulum thing a couple times to be sure of the results. I am trying to incorporate prayers and such to her into my routine and I'm trying to make my altar or at least parts of it more Isis specific. But thank you. What kind of offerings should I set out for her? I've heard a bowl of water or rise water and wine but is there anything else? I am trying to do a lot of research in her though, too.
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