Speaking with deities

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Speaking with deities
Post # 1
I see people saying constantly that they talk to a deity and have a sort of relationship with said deity. How does one go about connecting with a deity and how does their end of the communication manifest itself? Is it like a voice in your head, or just a feeling? Maybe something else? Thank you for your help!
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Re: Speaking with deities
By: / Novice
Post # 2
could be many things, and happen many ways. few people get the deity to appear before them under an angelic glow, normally, its a feeling, a voice, a vision, or a dream.

you can connect with a deity through meditation, ritual, offering, or prayer. there are other methods for other people, like someone who worships sekhmet might feel connected when donating blood or someone who worships Hecate might feel closer volunteering as a dog walker. different things for different people, but you'll discovers new ways of worship the closer you grow with the deity.
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Re: Speaking with deities
Post # 3
When you say "through meditation" how is that accomplished? Do you focus on that deity or on nothing at all? I understand the rest, but that portion seems a bit fuzzy to me.
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Re: Speaking with deities
Post # 4
Most times in meditation, you would be focusing on said deity.
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Re: Speaking with deities
By: / Novice
Post # 5
When I do it, I usually call on the deity, light some incense as an offering them meditate before it. In my meditation, sometimes i see the answer to my question, or feel the deity standing nearby.
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Re: Speaking with deities
Post # 6
Neko is right.

When I talk with Aphrodite I feel someone make a circle around me.

Actually in a night when I speak with Hecate I heard a voice so there are many methods for speaking with a deity.
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Re: Speaking with deities
Post # 7
First find a pantheon or god. I work with the greek olympian gods, as well as hecate. Look on my bio for more.

Few tips on connecting with deity :
Try meditation, praying, or even asking them to connect. There are various ways, for various paths. I work with demeter alot and often connected by praying every morning, every meal, and at night. I also took weekly or daily walks, and researched offerings on her. I gave offerings and wore say her color assocations, or symbols.

Try reading, or drawing, or maybe a simple ritual will do. Just talk, ask, think, and believe. Sometimes a deity picks you, sometimes explaining why you dont know what made you connect to say a goddess or god. Answers come, look and open up. The goddess shows herself when the person is ready.

Message for more. Good day, Izzy.
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Re: Speaking with deities
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8

There is an excellent book called "Devoted To You" by Judy Harrow that talks extensively on how to build a relationship with a Deity and what it is like having such a relationship. You might want to read it for a better understanding.

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