black cat familiar

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black cat familiar
Post # 1
how can you train a cat to be a familiar? and if you have a black cat as familiar would that make a difference?
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Re: black cat familiar
Post # 2
You can't train a animal to be your familiar it chooses to be your familiar and it could be any color cat frankly
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Re: black cat familiar
Post # 3
I know you can't 'choose' your familiar but how would you train it so it doesn't hiss or get skipish when you talk to the dead?
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Re: black cat familiar
By: / Novice
Post # 4
A familiar is a spiritual bond between you and the animal, you can't train it to be one. If the cat sees spirits and is afraid, it will hiss, I don't think you can train fear of spirits out of an animal. If the cat reacts like this, then it is certainly not your familiar. Observe it when you cast your circle, does it walk the perimeter, watch you from a distance, or act obliviously normal. Just because the animal can see a spirit doesn't make him a familiar. My cat sees spirits, he also walks through my circles so is put in the bedroom with the door closed.

Colour doesn't matter. It's an old superstition black animals like crows, ravens, dogs and cats as well as rats and toads were witches in disguise, or spies for them, aka familiars. This isn't true, just scared people whose stories has been passed down. It's similar to assuming any skin blemish is a sign of evil.
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