Seeking a wise one

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Seeking a wise one
Post # 1
Hello, I chose this sight "at random" I am seeking an elder for some advice.
I have met the girl of my dreams (literally), there is a massive spiritual conflict.
I am not initiated into any school of magic, it is a natural gift.

I learned today while studying that the dream was an astral sabbat. As you might imagine this situation is extremely disturbing to me.
Particularly that I am an uninitiated, non practitioner and extremely bound to the right hand path.
Until now I have only studied knowledge. I feel that the time may have come to apply my natural gift.

Though I am uncertain if it is even possible to break this girls bondage. Also I am likely going to seriously upset some people if I am able to free her from them.

My head is reeling. This is a powerful experience. I do not want to run from this one. I want victory.

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Re: Seeking a wise one
Post # 2
You may be the greatest man in the world, but there will always be some who hate men, dont worry about who will hate you after you have shown the girl the truth about life.

To put this in layman's terms, Haters gonna hate.

I appreciate that you try to show to the world the truth, you aren't the first. But realise the risk and prepare for them.

People always thing magick is some sort of secret, something that needs to be unlocked, either taught by a teacher or by proving yourself to God.

The basics are the secrets. There is nothing I know or anything anyone else knows that is special, only thing there is are the basics. Learn the basics thoroughly and master them.

Lastly, this will be a victory. It will.

"First they will laugh at you, then they will mock at you, then you will try, then you will win" - Unknown

"There is no secret ingredient" - Kung Fu Panda
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Re: Seeking a wise one
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
Ragnor, you write about "a girl". According to your profile you are 40 years of age. How old is the "girl"?
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Re: Seeking a wise one
Post # 4
I am pleased that you recognized me for who I am. I appreciate your reply. Thank you.
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Re: Seeking a wise one
Post # 5
The "girl" is 34. I don't really recognize age so much. Some children are older than me. Some elderly are still children. This young woman is a girl..... Nothing too weird going on, though I appreciate your concern
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Re: Seeking a wise one
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
I wasn't concerned. Merely curious that a 40 year old man would need "advice" on how to "rescue" a girl, probably from parents or relatives.
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Re: Seeking a wise one
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
I too am curious as to the nature of this rescue. Are you going to rescue her from her current partner? From poverty? From a life of addiction or crime?
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Re: Seeking a wise one
Post # 8
Dose she want to be rescued? Sometimes people are happy living their lives no matter how destructive and don't want help. You can't help others if they won't first help themselves.
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