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Post # 1
I keep dreaming of the same person almost every night. I have waken up, fallen back to sleep and continue to ream of this person. It is my ex. We broke up about 3 weeks ago. I only remember one dream. Is there a reason for dreaming constantly about the same person? what does it mean to dream of the same person?
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Re: dreams
By: / Novice
Post # 2
You're upset. Maybe you miss him, or you are mad. There are unresolved feelings you need to address. The wound is new, so it will take time to heal. Perhaps the dream is trying to help you work through it. Try cleansing him from your life.
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Re: dreams
Post # 3

Neko gave some great advice. Also I suggest do meditation and try to resolve it that way.

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Re: dreams
Post # 4
Thank you. You are right. The only dream remember is we were where we met, talking and smiling at each other. I was drinking coffee(i'm addicted to it) and he was eating frito's(lol) someone came up to him and was either staring him down or wanted his frito's. Than I woke up.
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