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Post # 1
Hello everyone willing to read this. I'm not quite sure where to post this, so this will have to do.

I've been wanting to make potions. No, not turn into vampires, or force someone to love me. I mean, actual, REAL potions. This isn't Harry Potter, so do not post or harass me about that.

I've done some research and found a few recipes, such as teas to help with sleep and certain combinations to make broths to help with nightmares and colds and stuff, but I feel like it isn't sufficient enough. I was wondering if someone would be so kind as to point me in the direction of potion recipes, whether it be books I can buy, or even a website. I would greatly appreciate it. :)

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Re: Potions
Post # 2

Google "Magical properties of herbs" you will get an abundance of lists of herbs and foods such as nuts, berries and fruits and what their magical properties are and you will be able to make your own recipes.

Be careful as some are poisonous and will kill you if they are consumed.

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Re: Potions
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Potions are basically liquid spells. Not all are meant to be consumed, some are baths, or you are meant to inhale the scent. Others you wear either as a perfume, or in a bottle worn around your neck. Research and be sure what the potion is meant to do. I remember my first potion. I found it odd a potion would contain [among other things] a rock, gold shavings, and witches spit. Later I discovered it was to be buried on the person's property.
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