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Post # 1
i was wondering if people who use a 'nick name' in there work would change what happens

like say your name is 'Christopher' but you go by 'Chris', would that change say a spell or something because you use you shorten name or is the energy you associate with the name you always use negate that
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Re: names
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Chris is merely a short version of Christopher, so is not really a nick name. Here in the UK, there are many nick names, especially for boys. Anyone with the surname Murphy is usually called Spud Murphy (because it is an Irish name), anyone called Lynch is usually known as Kipper Lynch.
So, I would think that using a shortened version of the real name is okay. But not an actual nick name.
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Re: names
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
An American nick name would be Henry, known as Hank.
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Re: names
By: / Novice
Post # 4
My best guess is it depends on the energy that you pour into it. I've heard that people choose a magical name or alias in order to protect the name on their birth certificate, but to me the name I make for myself is closer to the "real me" than the name my parents gave when I was too young to say, "Don't! That just sounds ugly!" But both make sense, because it's still the name I grew up with, which represents the hopes and expectations of the people who raised me, and that makes a lifelong impression. So, it could depend on the individual.
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Re: names
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Depends on how accurate you are. If you have a photo or an item of theirs, it doesn't matter if his name is Fredrik but goes by "Bucky". I feel it could personalize it if you could use their full name and include the nickname. It would be confusing of you lit a candle and said 'make Bucky love me'. If you don't have a clear path for the energy it won't do anything, so try and get a photo or some hair or something.
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Re: names
Post # 6
If the name is important for the spell, use the name that describes them the best. If you know their secret name, thats even better
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