Spirits ?

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Spirits ?
Post # 1
Ever since i was little i saw things and heard things. I saw things like shadow people, and heard noises that scared me. One time i looked over my bed and saw a lady dressed in black. I have also tried talking to them and they responded. Does this mean i can talk, hear, and see spirits ? Is it just a sign of loss of sleep or imagination ? I don't know for sure. Can someone explain ?
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Re: Spirits ?
Post # 2
yes....that would mean that you have a higher connection to spirits. Those people are called "phsycics" (sorry i cant spell). I am not the formost expert to this but i do caution you. People that are phsycics can be harmed a lot easier by spirits
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Re: Spirits ?
Post # 3
Oh really ? Well thank you for your help, but can i use this ability to help me in magic / spell casting ?
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Re: Spirits ?
Post # 4
yes it will be extremely helpful if u want to go to astral planes,summon spirits, etc. but like before i caution you... with this edge comes a double sided knife. The more u use magic the more spirits or beings will be attracted to you (good or bad) so my suggestion is to cast a protection spell over you and your family first
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Re: Spirits ?
Post # 5
Guys, please avoid using text-talk, as it is against the site rules. Secondly, the word is spelled "psychic" medium, and there are different types of mediums one can be. They can be born psychic or they can develop their abilities over time. Take it from me, being a psychic can be a blessing and sometimes a curse. I have been intensely developing my abilities for two years. I also see Shadow people, by the way, so it isn't just your imagination. I also see auras and other entities, consciously or in my sleep. Blessed be.

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Re: Spirits ?
Post # 6
Oh, i think i was born with it. It is sort of like a curse to me, but a gift as well. Sometimes when I see the spirits i freak out and close my eyes, sometimes I just giggle and say " it's nice you came to watch me " and grin fearlessly at them as if I am a creepy girl. Other times rarely, I just stare at it and ask " What do you want ? " as if I don't care for them bothering me.
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Re: Spirits ?
Post # 7
People who see spirits are called mediums. I see them a bit. Its a curse as well as a gift like you said.
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Re: Spirits ?
Post # 8
I understand now. Thank you for all your help.
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Re: Spirits ?
Post # 9
No, problem demon wolf.
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Re: Spirits ?
Post # 10
you are all really helpful.
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