New world order?

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New world order?
Post # 1
Do you think that there is a new world order?

Could it really happen?

Or are people just getting paranoid?

These quotes are supposed to be proof that there is a new world order:

But what do you think?

Why do you think that there is or isn't a new world order?

I personally haven't rule the idea out completely,but I also haven't ruled out the possibility that people are just paranoid.
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Re: New world order?
Post # 2
By my opinion, the theory about a new world order is a construction of an eastern, mainly Russian, secret services.
An attempt to damage Western democracy.
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Re: New world order?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

There are a lot of people out there that believe in all sorts of silly conspiracy theories as a way to explain their rather warped view of the world. The so-called "New World Order" is just one of hundreds of such conspiracy theories that has no basis in fact at all. It's no more true than the equally silly one that claims that the Queen of England is a Reptilian from the Hollow Earth. Remember too that quotations taken out of context (or for all we know are misquoted) can be made to "proove" anything. And Youtube is notorious for fabricated stories and photo-shopped images.

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