Jesus is really Horus?

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Jesus is really Horus?
Post # 1
I found this and was just wondering what any of you think of it.
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Re: Jesus is really Horus?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I think that Jesus and Horus share some of the same attributes, but personally I do not believe they are the same spiritual entity.

I suspect that some of the stories about Horus colored the writings of those who told the tales about Jesus. But there are other stories from different mythologies that do the same thing. For instance, Sol Invictus, a Roman deity was said to have been born of a virgin on the Winter Solstice, etc.

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Re: Jesus is really Horus?
Post # 3
To be honest, I agree with Lark. Many deities in different cultures sometimes have the same myths. Or in other words, same tributes.

Like Demeter and the Persephone myth, it has some attributes that are alike with the Isis myth.

However coming from a christian backround, i don't believe all these deities are linked. It seems a little far fetched...that's my veiw.

We all have different religions, and different gods, veiws, ect. I believe that no these deities are not the same one.
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Re: Jesus is really Horus?
Post # 4

In my opinion they aren't the same entity. I believe that both exist but they do soseparately.

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