To my friends..........

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To my friends..........
Post # 1
Hi everyone,long time no see,huh?OH......I MISS U ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And...Can someone plz tell me what the heck is going on here???I was away for about three months and this site has changed a lot.
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Re: To my friends..........
Post # 2
yea me 2! ive been so busy lately so i havent gone on 4 bout 2 1/2 months now evrythin changed so ur guess can probably good as mine
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Re: To my friends........
Post # 3
Tell me about it. Don't tell me i didn't warn u though. I called u when i logged in. :P
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Re: To my friends..........
Post # 4
yes alot has changed there are new mods cause of spamers getting on you see pete updated the mail so we can delete them now easyier lets see peopple have left the site cause the spammers hender their progress in lerning i belive that has happened to a few

sorry about miss spellings
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