strange dreams

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strange dreams
Post # 1
my mother has always had meaningful dreams such as knowing someone died before she has been told. lately she has been having dreams of our dead family members and a dead pet. in the dream she said my great grandfather said he would wait for her. do any of you know what this might mean.
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Re: strange dreams
By: / Novice
Post # 2
To start, don't panic, she could simply miss them. People dream about dead loved ones after a passing, or at a time of celebration [the holidays, a birthday, wedding] because they miss seeing them at these events.

Dreams can be funny. I usually dream about a pet or loved ones death a week prior, but when I was in my teens there was about a year where I dreamt my grandfather would die and luckily he never did. Still alive and well in fact, so don't believe your dreams 100% of the time.

To be safe, she could go to her doctor for a full physical and some tests run to make sure she's fine. It could be a self-fulfilling prophecy if she stresses herself over dying she ends up dying. Best to relax, speak with a doctor, and tell her it was just a dream.
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Re: strange dreams
Post # 3
I would say this dream isn't bad dream, he said "would wait for her" - this means in the future, but not now.
From my experience - bad sign is when dead person in your dream calls you or comes to take and you go with him...
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Re: strange dreams
Post # 4
thank you for the insight.
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