Animals and magic?

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Animals and magic?
Post # 1
I just did a small spell and noticed my cat is being super lovey. Are animals attracted to the leftover energy?
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Re: Animals and magic?
Post # 2
What spell did yout do? In my opinion it seems like you did a love spell. If you did a love spell, which is too attract love, this can happen.

My friend once did a love spell, and she thought she would get a man. But she didn't, instead she got a puppy that day, and it loved her more than any guy would have.

This may be a case, all animals are interested in energy. They can't go into it and it wont harm them usually. You may just need to get your energy back. Animals sometimes do this.
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Re: Animals and magic?
Post # 3
No, it wasn't a love spell, but it was a prosperity spell. The explanation you offered makes sense though. It's also good that she won't hurt the energy. Thank you
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