
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► Greetings
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Post # 1
Hi, I'm Aki. Reason for me being here is, I want more knowledge. I'd like to get all the knowledge I can attain in this life time.. And may be help others along the way... may be harm them along the way...

-AHEM- that's only a possibility... Must look both ways to cross right? heheh!
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Re: Greetings
Post # 2
Well, hello Aki, I hope you find everything you want in this lifetime. I hope this site helps you a lot! ^-^

-Erica K.

P.S. I like your metaphor about a crosswalk. I've never heard that one before!
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Re: Greetings
Post # 3
My unpleasant background...

I used to research on eastern/asian magic 6 or 7 years ago...
2 years ago we tried to summon a being called astarot, but we didn't use the right procedure... instead, we used an asian method which caused a bit of bad events so now I'm researching western magick...

Magick isn't something we should take for granted... I learned it the hard way...

10 years of ghost experience, 6-7 years asian magick experience... NO experience on western magick yet...
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Re: Greetings
Post # 4
Welcome to the site.

We are happy to have you here.
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Re: Greetings
Post # 5
hi welcome,
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