Meditation problems

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Meditation problems
Post # 1
Hello, I've been trying to meditate for a long time now however I find it difficult because I have ADD, wich incase you don't know means I have problems staying focused and paying attention. Does anyone have any tips for helping me meditate? Can I actually meditate at all? Thank you for you time.
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Re: Meditation problems
Post # 2
Don't think that because of ADD you can't meditate. ADHD here. While meditation for us can be a bit difficult, it's definitely not impossible. Start by breathing deeply and slowly. Do this even before you sit down to start. When you are ready, get some soft instrumental music playing. The method I use involves not trying to quiet the mind, but to let it run as it pleases. Once you let your mind run, it will eventually calm down and quiet itself. I know with ADD you may think that's impossible, but take my word, it is possible. Once your mind is quiet just sit there and let it remain quiet. Fleeting thoughts will come and go, but do t fight then. Just let them go. The more you fight, the more of a strain it becomes.
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Re: Meditation problems
Post # 3
Thank you very much, it's always reassuring to get advise form someone with the same problem as me. I will try this out and hope that it will work! Thank you again.
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Re: Meditation problems
Post # 4
Absolutely! Remember, this is just one method. If it doesn't work there are many other options. Remember, don't fightvthevthoughts rinning through your head. On the same token, don't force them.
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