Incubus, How does it work

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Incubus, How does it work
Post # 1
Hello, I've admired this site for many years. Finally, decided to get a membership here. Honestly, I've come here for some help. There was this incubus named, Clem. I honestly regret meeting that rude man for leaving me. Though with the issues of humans, I've honestly given up on them. I've tried everything. Even looking for help from a man named, Erik. or even looking up more about this spiritual being. Yes, I understand what these beings are capable of and go along by putting down what they are. Ik, what they are. I don't need help on stating that part of it. But I honestly don't wish to be with a human no longer more. So if any person could help me. I'd really appreciate it.
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Re: Incubus, How does it work
Post # 2
And adding in one more thing. I have many stories as to what I've been through. And the people I see that others cannot make me wonder if I'm either being watched or am I truly alone. Thanks.!?
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Re: Incubus, How does it work
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: Incubus, How does it work
Post # 4
There is a problem. You are a human and "Incubus" is a lower spiritual being. There could help higher spiritual being only.
For a beginner in a magick path is easiest procedure outlined in magical papyri - usage sleep. Meditation a bout a name of a higher spiritual being every evenig before sleep with a wish you have.
And good is when you will monitoring your breath.

I think the best is a mediation about a spirit of nature or a pagan god or goddess. Because demons are dangerous and summon angels is difficult.
Like Phul and simiar. It could help in a short time.
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