Achieving WILD

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Achieving WILD
Post # 1

So I've been okay with lucid dreaming, achieved sometimes as MILD and sometimes as DILD. However, I'm still trying to lucid dream through WILD(wake induced lucid dreaming). I'm a light sleeper so I find it might be easier if my mind stays awake while I fall asleep rather than having my mind be awake right before I'm in the stage of dreaming. A lot of techniques didn't word for me but this one did:

Surprisingly 9 gag had something useful to me.

Anyway, there was one problem. I follow all the steps but then once I get the falling sensation("disconnecting") I can't take it anymore. I have to "reconnect" again. Also, I don't really like the falling sensation, but I guess not having it isn't really an option. Is there any way I can continue on into sleep paralysis more comfortably? Or did I just have to get used to it?

Another thing is I'm a bit scared about the hypnagogic hallucinations. I know it's just my mind playing tricks on me but I'm freaking out a bit. Maybe some people who had these experiences could share them. It might help.

Sorry if this was long. Anything helps. If you're confused, just tell me and I might be able to clear things up a bit. I'm in a hurry.

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