Necronomicon question

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Necronomicon question
Post # 1
I am currently working with Necronomicon spell book but am studying the Necronomicon itself as I am ready to start working with it but have not found the proper incantations/rituals for empowering the ARRA,ELDER SIGN and BANDAR symbols,and was wondering.

Can anyone help me out of how empower them in the contect of the rites of the Necronomicon?
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Re: Necronomicon question
Post # 2
The Necronomicon is nothing more than a plot devic used by HP Lovecraft in his stories, it is no more real than the text books harry potter used in his studies at Hogwarts. So I am unsure as to what you mean by the necronomicon itself.

Typhonians, including Peter Levenda, later created the Simon necronomicon as a method of chaos magic. From what I know of the creation, I would state it is utter garbage. I recommend listening to Poke Runyons podcast on HP Lovecraft and the typhonians, Kenneth Grant etc. for an overview of why that method is just unsatisfactory.

It is also why it is usually teenagers who work with the necronomicon....they want something dark and imaginative which is simple.
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Re: Necronomicon question
Post # 3
I don't know the answer to that directly, but I will tell you that there are similar magic signs in kuji-in which require no empowering but become stronger with practice ( I only mean the hand gestures)

It could be that it only requires the hand to be in that shape to allow natural energy to flow in a certain way. You would be dealing with things that perceive much different than us, so perhaps they know but all around I don't recommend it unless you like being a pool of green slime.
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Re: Necronomicon question
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
the necronomicon is basically a joke
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Re: Necronomicon question
Post # 5
I can say this regardless of the Necronomicon's origin,the Simon Necronomicon is based on actual methods of magick.

And not everyone interested in the Nec is a teen nor looking for something dark and scary!
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Re: Necronomicon question
Post # 6
It does not mater if the necronomicon was real, the believe of the people made it real.
I would advice You to study the Cthulhu mythos, the old ones and all that beautiful madness of JP, In fact there are few dozens of necronomicons to discover.
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Re: Necronomicon question
Post # 7
Tampur you are exactly right. It always amazes me that so many Occultists,Wiccans and such believe in Egergores,Thoughtforms,etc etc that are created by peoples collected thoughts with or without rituals,and yet when it comes to the Necronomicon ,the Great Old Ones,and the Outer Gods the balk and start ranting the it's fake their not real they are the creation of a write of fiction. The bald faced blatant hypocricy among those with in the Occult community never fails to amaze me.
I'd say by this late date the nay sayers have missed the train,and the Necronomicon along with the various Great Old Ones and Outer Gods have developed into their own reality.
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