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Post # 1
Recently I've become interested with chants such as protection chants, but I was wondering how would one go about creating their own chant?
Does anyone have any guides lines such as structure, phrasing, etc?
I'm not asking people to create chants for me I'm just curious as to how people go about making them for themselves
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Re: Chants
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Well to me chants are like prayers only polished and requiring energy. I usually make some key points like if there's a deity I'm calling on, what it's for [protection] and who/what it's for [person, place, or thing] once I know that I jot down a few lines and rewrite until it sounds good. [Example 'earth, air, water, fire, bring me that which I desire' sounds nicer than 'air, fire, water, earth, help me get a car'] it doesn't have to rhyme but many feel rhyming gets you in the right mental state and helps you remember.

Prayers on the other hand, I usually start with 'Goddess within, Goddess without. God within, God without.' then say whatever I want to say [thanks for the food, please watch over my friend, thanks for the sunny day, so on] and finish with 'as in harm none, blessed be'. I find the opening and closing helps me start and end things [Like saying hello and goodbye] but the middle should be a heartfelt conversation, not a script which is what a chant should be.
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Re: Chants
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Spell Suggestions.
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Re: Chants
Post # 4
And from my experience - your chants shouldn't be misleading or have other opposite interpretation.
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Re: Chants
Post # 5
Thanks Nekoschema :) I like the idea of simplicity and it just feeling right, thank your time and response!
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