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Post # 1
Guys am new to this i started spells just a year ago and my starting spell is rain spell and now when ever i am sad or i just wish it started rain .i have a good connection with the sky lord .plz help me can this possible that within one year a beginner learns to do rain spell
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Re: rain
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

It is highly unlikely that you are making it rain. More likely that you did the spell when the weather was already prepared to rain and all you did was perhaps make it happen somewhat more quickly.

Weather is such a huge thing that we cannot so much make it do what we want when we want it, but rather that we can work with the weather to make what is already going to happen slow or speed up a bit.

Weather magic is also not something to play with. Your actions to change weather where you are could have bad effects on other areas of the world. Your rain spells could end up with drought in one place or floods in another.

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