kaleidoscope lights

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kaleidoscope lights
Post # 1
I was falling asleep the other night when suddenly I had an explosion of colored lights coming at me in my left eye....what was that and what does it mean
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Re: kaleidoscope lights
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I'd get my eyes checked. It could be something spiritual, it could be your subconscious beginning your sleep cycle while your waking mind was still conscious, could be an eye issue. I would check with your doctor to be safe, but also look into the spiritual.
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Re: kaleidoscope lights
Post # 3
I know it's a spiritual thing, some people have said angels....I don't know
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Re: kaleidoscope lights
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Why ask then? It could be any number of things, I'm saying you should be safe and rule out medical issues.

If it is spiritual [angels as you say] try communicating with them. Ask a question before bed, meditate on a question, or leave offerings.
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Re: kaleidoscope lights
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
Odd though this may seem the most likely source of what you saw was that a cosmic ray struck the optic nerve in your left eye and the result was to trigger the area of the brain that perceives light.
Although most cosmic rays are blocked out by earth's atmosphere, but occasionally one slips through. Such Rays pass easily through the human body and are generally not noticed. Of course this is more apt to happen in space, and our astronauts have reported experience like yours from this phenomenon. It has also been medically reported on earth as well.
So it was most probably not esoteric related at all. But you're welcome to believe as you will.
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