I'm new so yeah....

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I'm new so yeah....
Post # 1
Hi, just thought I would introduce myself here. My name is Sai, I have went through years of discovering who I am and what my energy can do. I believe in the Goddess, yet in a different way (signs have led me to this.) I still perform spells to help others in the best way possible and I'm dedicated to protecting the ones in need of mercy. I know it's a little confusing, but I'm still learning and following the paths she has chosen for me. From what has happened in my past, I have learned there is so much more to life than just a casual setting. After trying my first spell, she has proven to me that she is really there. Since then I have followed her and have the greatest of faith in her. Yet, I am still concerned in why I don't feel like a normal being. I feel so different from others and I am still trying to find out who I really am.
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