Instructions: Draw and cast your circle
Chant the following invocation
I call upon to thy lost souls, that you come upon me at this time and do my bindings, I do bind thee and constrain thee into mine will and power an you come upon me in all power humility. To appear in thy circle before me in visual and astral forms of whatsoeveri may command and they shall notdepart without my discharge and they shall obey unto my command.
1. Warning: Once you have contacted the spirits you may ask what wish and quick to listen.
2. Warning once you have dismissed the spirits you should extinguish the candle to block and ward off unwanted latecomers and demona
If they believe this spell will work, then that belief will become real and living to them. A belief becomes a real and existing concept in the mind if believed in strongly enough, kind of like being a child that believes in Santa Claus.
This isn't about whether you believe it or not. It exists if you wish to know/do this. Is it Vamp's personal belief. If I were to tell you your God doesn't exist, how would you react? You could expect the same reaction from the original poster, so best to leave beliefs out of this.
A few constructive criticisms. I am not going to debate the reality of 'lost souls' I personally don't believe in such things, but my criticisms are on the methodology.
For one, this is not an invocation it is an evocation- invocation is when you call in a spirit, evocation is essentially drawing out, or calling up, an entity and contraining it to do your bidding, charge talismans etc.
Usually some medium is required for etheric manifestation of the spirit, for many years people used incense, I believe the cystal ball or black scrying mirror has become the staple equipment used in the occult community.
Your paragraph is written in bad old English.
In it you mention the spirit manifesting within a circle, traditionally a triangle is used for evocation, most people place this outside the circle which the magician stands in. Personally I have recently decided this is not the correct decision.
Again, this has nothing on the key of solomon methodologies, but some people like to keep things simple. Personally, I believe you are missing some vital steps to the traditional evocation procedure. Purification and consecration of the magician, banishings, invocations of divine forces, evocation of spirit and charging with task, and a dismissal- then a banishing afterwards. Again, people like to keep things simple, but in m opinion one should first get to know traditional methods before creating your own.
Haadit9.3-Just because it's old english doesn't mean the spells bad or that it will fall!This spell might be old,but not ineffective.I would advise you to think about that.
Re: Invocation of lost souls By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 10 Mar 08, 2015
firewitch, he didn't say that the spell was bad. He said that the language used was poorly written. That doesn't mean that a spell won't work (although I have my doubts about this one), it simply means that it could be written more clearly. Please don't jump to conclusions..