tarot question..

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tarot question..
Post # 1
are tarot used for telling the future or to give you help and give probable outcome of something.???..in toher word..what are atrot used for??

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Re: tarot question..
Post # 2
well both i guess
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Re: tarot question..
Post # 3
but are they always right..because recently they were read to me and i asked if i was going to obtain a certain thing and the cards said no..is there any way that can change??
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Re: tarot question..
Post # 4
tarot cards will give you guidance not everything in your life is destined that is you can alter it the cards can tell you what will happen if you stay on the same road. Yes big moments in your life can be foretold by cards but be carefull do not let the cards lead your life see it as guidance more than as future telling. Just my thought
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