
CovenSpell Casters ► Spell
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Post # 1
Can anyone suggest me a healing spell.i tried one it didnt work.is it because i didnt cast it properly?
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Re: Spell
Post # 2

The thing to remember about healing spells (or any spell for that matter) is that it is not a fix all, end all. While spells can assist in matters, they will not make a drastic change to them.

If you are looking for healing spells, I have a few I could send you. However, please remember that medical treatment might be necessary and one should not attempt to use magic as an alternative to medical treatment.
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Re: Spell
Post # 3
Thank u
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Re: Spell
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Which spell was it? There are different spells for different problems. A chant will not cure cancer, but a chant over a cup of tea can speed the healing of a cold. Using energy [psi ball] on a scrapped knee will speed healing but won't attached a severed limb. Magick is a natural energy, it works with not against nature.
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