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Post # 1
Can someone help me.
I can't keep my focus when I meditate. I can start but after 4 minutes I can't focus.
I have some questions:
1. What can I do to inhans my focus?
2. What do I do prepare for meditation?
3. Where should I sit?
4. When should I meditate?
5. What is the best way to prepare for meditations?
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Post # 2
what helps me is some meditation (just youtube/google it)music and focusing on my breathing .
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Post # 3

What can I do to enhance my focus?

Breathe. Concentrate on your breath, and it will slow your mind and your thoughts down. It won't take 4 minutes to do. Meditation can last up to several hours.

2. What do I do prepare for meditation?

You don't prepare, you just do.

3. Where should I sit?

Sit where it's most comfortable. Sometimes you can lay down, but keep your mind awake, and make sure you don't fall asleep. Most of the time I do meditate before I fall asleep if my mind is cluddered with thoughts. It helps.

4. When should I meditate?

Whenever you feel like you cannot relax. When you feel stress, or are overwhelmed. Remember, breathe.

5. What is the best way to prepare for meditations?

You don't prepare, you just do. :)

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Post # 4
Meditation is just quieting your mind and focusing on your breathing, you can schedule to meditate daily, take about 15 minutes a day, and if you feel like you are ready to add more time then you should go ahead.
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Post # 5

I would add this to your other responses. When you sit down to meditate, and you start to focus on your breathing, take the first minute or two to relax your body. The less physical stress you have the better when doing meditations. Also, when you are meditating you want to have a mental state of "observation". You will be focusing on your breathing but thoughts will enter your consciousness, it's ok to observe that those thoughts are present but don't interact with them. If you find yourself following a train of thought, simply disenguage from it and return to focus on your breathing. After a time that internal chatter will die down.

Be Well

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