Hiya I found this website while just finding how to meditate and channel energy. I have heard about chi/ prana and am interested I don't want to take part in spells or anything just want to channel my energy and take part in that feeling if it is real, I am quite skeptical as a scientist and a Roman Catholic but I am willing to believe as long as it doesn't get past my religion. Any tips
Well Generally there are many references in the bible of Jesus channeling energy. Healing the lepers with his hands (form of energy channeling) But many Christians refuse to look at the logic of it all. I was Catholic most of my life but then I converted to druidry. In my opinion Christians are too arrogant in there ways.
Shall we experiment then? Here's what you do. Breath in through the nose as you breath in let your belly rise and breath out through the nose contacting your belly pushing all the air out of your lungs with a rush! Each in out breath is 1 count. Do this 20 times. How does it make you feel?
Do not use text speak please. It is a violation of site rules.
Working with meditation and with energy is nothing that should violate any of your Christian beliefs. Such things are often used by followers of many different religions and are not in and of themselves religious in nature.
First of All sorry for using text speech
I am willing to meditate and harness energy but I don't know how to how to actually carry out the procedures therefore can you help me just to help me begin this journey.
Thank You
What you have just practiced is called Kapalabhati or the cleansing breath. It is a beginning exercise in Pranyama. Pranyama is a combination of 2 Sanskrit words Prana or life force and ayama or to extend. The Hindu's believe that our life force is connected to the very air we breath. This is also a basic practice in qi gong training.
Meditation is a practice in all religions, sometimes called "contemplation" or something similar, and there are many different ways to meditate. The word usually brings to mind the idea of something akin to Zen meditation: sitting still, present, quiet, trying not to think. But there are ways to meditate and channel energy that are very active and involve concentrated focus on an object, motion, sound, thought. It's about being able to be present and fully in a moment. That's when you can become aware of your energy and able to channel it.