i need new spells

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i need new spells
Post # 1
i need spells that r a chalenge!!!!
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Re: i need new spells
Post # 2
well if you've already covered the basics try thinking of things that you want done and make some yourself.
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Re: i need new spells
Post # 3
i would but it 2 hard 2 make like a page long spell im 13 i been using magic since i was 2
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Re: i need new spells
Post # 4
how do i make spells anyway?!?!?!?!?!?
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Re: i need new spells
Post # 5
use what you know and it doesn't need to be a page long essay.

All you need is the basic ingrediants and knowledge, know what you want to do check that what you pick is correct with books and other people you know do this stuff and use your own language if it is more comfortable. Creating your own spells take time and effort and make sure you are aware of everything you put in. Two people on here I know that are good at this i Lady Oblivion and Tankgirl, Rainbow is also very handy to talk with
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